Happiness is perhaps the most elusive and amusing feeling on earth. Money gives one the ability to buy things but not the joy and luck/ privilege to use it.
A fellow friend’s supervisory professor recently lend her his new expensive tablet for her PhD Thesis work (maybe he wants to get rid of her soon 😁 ).
So you do not need money to use (read “access”) things

People crave for expensive cars which are then driven by their drivers who in reality get the ultimate pleasure to drive them and the owner only has the (false) pride of possession:) .
Most elegant beds are present in those houses where people sleep on sleeping pills.
A frustrated Post Graduation student yesterday said that he had been forced to take up the course due to some conditions. And after a cost benefit analysis (of course in monetary terms) of what he will gain after his degree he feels left out from the peers who took up jobs after B.tech.
But I remembered meeting a professional few years ago who left his fat salary job in mid career to join an NGO as he felt “empty” inside even after a successful (“socially perceptible ”) career

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