Friday, 8 April 2022

Seeking love outside - Why do most relationships suffer

Most of the time we enter into relationships with some needs of our own. Some relations are purely for material needs. We can put our business relations in this category. Other relations we make are to fulfill some emotional needs of ours - the need for love, care, and attachment.


Most of the time when we make emotional relations, we are experiencing emptiness within. And with the hope to fill that vacuum within, we search for someone in the outside world. Now often, at that very stage of our life, another person too, with the same kind of vacuum is attracted to us.


Now, these two incomplete people meet with the hope of fulfilling themselves and making themselves complete. But guess what??



The initial charm of the relationship is like the full moon. it looks beautiful, glowing, and energetic. It instills romance in the people.

But after a few days, the moon keeps on losing its glow and becomes smaller. On the day when there is no moon, comes complete darkness. It is at this time that in such a situation we cannot see anything in dark without an arrangement of some other source of light.


In the same way, the very fact that something new is happening in life gives thrill and excitement to partners, but the moment that newness ends, they discover the vacuum in each other.  The more they expect from the other partner, the more frustrated they become. And relation does not survive or does not allow each other to grow.


If at this stage, both people have their own guiding light, then they are able to work on themselves and keep on adjusting to each other. And their relationship stabilizes.

If both people in this relationship were flowing with love at the beginning of the relationship (instead of searching for love), then they are able to survive the light and dark phases of the relationship in a better way. Love in them keeps on growing.

So never try to find someone who can give you love, especially when you feel a lack of it. Always allow such a relation in your life, when you yourself are flowing with love.

  "To seek is to suffer. To seek nothing is bliss.” Bodhidharma

With love
