Saturday, 26 March 2022

क्या ईश्वर हमारी परीक्षा लेता है ?

 ईश्वर कभी भी हमारी परीक्षा  नहीं लेता, परीक्षा लेना एक तरह से ये दर्शाता है की परीक्षक हम पर अविश्वास करता है, डाउट करता है और इसीलिए हमारी योग्यता जाचना चाहता है । 

ईश्वर केवल हमसे प्रेम करता है , अविश्वास नहीं। जिनको हम परीक्षा कहते हैं वह सिर्फ हमे मजबूत बनाने की प्रक्रिया होती है । 

मजबूती के शिखर पर पहुँचकर आपको अपने अंदर की उस अद्भुत शक्ति का पता  चलता है जो आपकी दुनिया को बदल कर रख देती है । साथ ही साथ ये आपको अपने आस पास के लोगो के जीवन मे बेहतरी लाने की शक्ति देती है । 

Thursday, 24 March 2022

Quotes in Hindi

 Quotes in Hindi for Motivation and Positivity - मोटिवेशन के लिए कोट्स और सुविचार पढ़ें

A quote to motivate you everyday in Hindi

आपके हर दिन को कुछ बेहतर बनाते हैं सुविचार, कुछ कोट्स (quotes) हिंदी में

Quotes for whatsapp status in Hindi (व्हाटएप और फेसबुक स्टेटस  के लिए कुछ कोट्स, सुविचार हिंदी में )

कुछ अच्छे विचार हिंदी में (some good thoughts, suvichar, quotes in Hindi)

Monday Motivation, weekly motivation, whatsapp status, twitter status in hindi, facebook status story in hindi,

instagram story in hindi

Wednesday, 23 March 2022

Promiscuity and Emptiness


Promiscuity is not some kind of habitual offense that a person creates against others. It is a desperate attempt, a thirst, a quest to find out something in the outside world that the person themselves lack. 

There is a certain degree of emptiness and sadness within the person. The person enters a relationship and initially finds thrill and enthusiasm in a new person. Their boring life suddenly turns interesting. But as the days go by, the person feels empty again. And to fill themselves, they make a desperate attempt to go out of that relationship and find another source of happiness. 

But this cycle does not end. Only after repeated disappointments when the person turns inwards and their spiritual journey begins, they are able to find an inner source of joy, which does not depend on any other person. 

Choosing the Partner


A woman must be conscious of choosing her partner. She has been entrusted with more responsibility in the process of creation, i.e., to channel the cosmic energy into life through the womb. Hence, allowing all forms of energies to penetrate through a physical contact is destructive for the woman as well as the society. 

Relationships should always be made consciously and not in some desperate attempt, as if you are boarding a "couple special bus" where you should be married/in a relationship just because everyone else around you is. 

Take your own time and make a conscious choice. Once you are out of younger age and in your mature years (most probably in thirties), connection at a deeper level will be more fulfilling and rewarding then the amount of time you have spent together by marrying/committing at a specific age.