पुरुष स्त्री की जिस उन्मुक्तता से आकर्षित हो उसके प्रेम में पड़ता है विवाह के बाद वही उसे खटकने लग जाती है। बल्कि ज़्यादातर मामलो में ऐसा प्रेम(या प्रेम जैसी लगने वाली चीज़ ) विवाह की वेदी तक नहीं पहुंच पाता और अगर पहुंच भी जाए तो एक पुरुष के मन की कंदराओं में बसी पितृसत्तात्मक सोच जाग जाती है को अपनी संपत्ति समझ उसकी उस अभिव्यक्ति को कैद कर लेना चाहता है। एक स्त्री की स्वतंत्र सोच को हमारा समाज कभी नहीं स्वीकार पाता और यह भी सच है कि पुरुष जिसकी इस आधुनिकता के दम उसे समाज द्वारा बनायी गई सीमाये लांगने पर उकसाता है , उसे कभी अपने घर की दहलीज़ के अंदर नहीं लाता। ये प्रेम युवावस्था में देह की हांडी पर पकने वाला हो तो प्रेम विवाह के कुछ समय बाद ही इसकी गर्मी ठंडी पड़ जाती है। क्युकी शादी के पहले और बाद में फर्क आना लाज़मी भी है। पहले पहल प्रेम में नींद नहीं आती और आखे उनींदी सी रहती हैं और बाद में काम की थकान में आखे खुलती ही नहीं। प्रेम एक बादलो की धुंध में वादियों की तलहटी से होती अलसभोर का सपना है और विवाह उस सपने से जागने के बाद की सच्चाई। .......
A place for recharging your souls, by inner motivation, positivity and blissful thoughts. आंतरिक प्रेरणा, सकारात्मकता और आनंदित विचारों द्वारा अपने अन्तर्मन को साहस और ऊर्जा देने के लिए एक जगह।

Friday, 19 June 2015
Thursday, 18 June 2015
Censorship and Expression
In the era of identity based politics, and religious polarization, and the perpetual turf wars between successive governments, and censor board, is it not high time
to ask about the relevance of censorship over people’s entertainment.
Censorship is a relic of the days of the Raj when these boards were kept under
the Police Chiefs of cities (to keep an eye on the films propagating patriotic
messages.) Although the cinematographic acts have been revised from time to
time but still this institution did not all together go and a few
“intellectuals”, officials (or even sometimes people from the film industry)
continue to decide in closed rooms what is appropriate entertainment and what
not for the whole diverse nation. Is it possible that the intelligence of we
the masses be trusted sometimes and we may decide for ourselves as to what is
entertaining for us and what not. After all it has been regularly happening at
the box offices where the people decide the kind of films that they want to see
via the collections that movies generate.
If obscenity, portrayal of women and violence is the issue then the board has been ineffective in its role anyways. All it does is restriction of the creative freedom of film makers. Institutionalized suppression of a few issues(like expression of love, desires, individuality) through creative and proper means has actually given rise to more vulgarity in the form of various pornographic material (it is like how high taxation and duties pushes the trade of goods underground and generates black money via corruption)
The effect of improper material on the younger generation is always cited against such liberated and unrestricted expression, but shouldn't that control be societal and parental. And children already have access to all forms of material today (thanks to the internet). A significant issue is also the non availability of children’s movies and stories in the public domain except some symbolic gestures by Children Film Society (And we just don’t care when our children dance to the tunes of munni and Sheila)
We should always have the right and liberty to choose our means of entertainment. When we have the intellect to bring turmoil in the political system by our votes then we definitely can develop it further to choose the right kind of entertainment. Though there may be errors in the first place but any maturing society eventually develops an understanding of what to retain and what to discard for its growth and perpetuation.
If obscenity, portrayal of women and violence is the issue then the board has been ineffective in its role anyways. All it does is restriction of the creative freedom of film makers. Institutionalized suppression of a few issues(like expression of love, desires, individuality) through creative and proper means has actually given rise to more vulgarity in the form of various pornographic material (it is like how high taxation and duties pushes the trade of goods underground and generates black money via corruption)
The effect of improper material on the younger generation is always cited against such liberated and unrestricted expression, but shouldn't that control be societal and parental. And children already have access to all forms of material today (thanks to the internet). A significant issue is also the non availability of children’s movies and stories in the public domain except some symbolic gestures by Children Film Society (And we just don’t care when our children dance to the tunes of munni and Sheila)
We should always have the right and liberty to choose our means of entertainment. When we have the intellect to bring turmoil in the political system by our votes then we definitely can develop it further to choose the right kind of entertainment. Though there may be errors in the first place but any maturing society eventually develops an understanding of what to retain and what to discard for its growth and perpetuation.
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